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Advances – September 2003

September 2003, no. 254

Advances – September 2003

September 2003, no. 254

Clive James in Mildura

The Mildura Writers’ Festival, held over a weekend in late July, consolidated its reputation as one of Australia’s most pleasurable literary festivals. When, we wonder, will tout Melbourne and Sydney realise how good it is, and make the journey. Clive James opened the festival with a memorable lecture on questions of celebrity and the poetry of Philip Hodgins. We have much pleasure in publishing his 2003 La Trobe University/Australian Book Review Annual Lecture in this issue.

Brisbane Highlights

The 2003 Brisbane Writers’ Festival (October 1 to 5) looks promising, too. The theme is the ubiquitous ‘Place’. Guests will include Peter Porter, Rachel Cusk, David Marr, John Marsden, Elliot Perlman and Eva Sallis. For more details go to

Patrick McCaughey at fortyfive downstairs

If you want to know what happened to Picasso’s Weeping Woman, or the secrets of the Kremlin on St Kilda Road, or what it was like dealing with Australian artists, first you should read Patrick McCaughey’s memoir, The Bright Shapes and the True Names (just published by Text), then you should buy a ticket to our next ABR Forum, on September 25, when Patrick McCaughey, a regular contributor to ABR, will be in conversation with its Editor, Peter Rose. Full details appear on page 29. ABR subscribers, as always, are entitled to a discount.

Get out Your White Gloves

Garden history enthusiasts are invited to a White Gloves evening at the National Library of Australia on October 3, when they will be able to hold as well as see some of the library’s abundant collection. Bookings are essential:(02) 6262 1698, or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Writers Wanted to Win Prizes

Aspiring writers are invited to enter the Boroondara Literary Awards. To be in the running for the first prize of $2000 in the Open Short Story Award category, entries should be between 2000 and 3000 words. The Boroondara Literary Awards also reward young writers who live, work or go to school in Boroondara. Poems or prose pieces on any subject are invited for the Young Writers Awards category. The closing date is September 19. For further information and an entry form, visit, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call the City of Boroondara on (03) 9278 4444.

Whose Event?

The Australian Centre for Youth Literature, as part of its popular ‘Booktalkers for Adults’ series, will be hosting ‘Absolute Joke! Books That Make You Laugh’ on October 14 at the Vision Australia Complex in Kooyong. It will feature Nick Earls, Adam Ford, and James Moloney. On October 28 the Centre will present ‘Whose Story? Whose Place? Whose Voice?’ at The Age Library, Broadmeadows. Authors Isobelle Carmody, Scott Gardner and Jim Schembri will be joined by Age journalists John Kilner and Linda Pearce. For details and bookings, contact the ACYL on (03) 8664 7014.

Mentoring in Darwin

The Northern Territory Writers’ Centre is calling for applications from young and emerging Territory writers for the first stage of its 2003–04 mentorship programme. The aim is to provide professional development for five writers. Jared Thomas, Stephen Gray and Kim Caraher are the appointed mentors. Entries close on September 26. Information can be found at; otherwise, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Insecurity at Griffith

Quarterlies don’t have the easiest time in the hectic new millennium, but here’s a new one that is worth a look: the Griffith Review, which is published by Griffith University in association with ABC Books. The theme of the first issue is ‘Insecurity in the New World Order’. Contributors include John Birmingham, Frank Moorhouse, Irris Makler, Chalmers Johnson and the ABC’s own Geraldine Doogue and Norman Swan. An annual subscription costs $66. For details, write to Griffith Review, Griffith University, Kessels Road, Nathan QLD 4111.

Highlights of PoeticA

PoeticA, Radio National’s poetry programme, is always worth listening to on a Saturday afternoon, however clement. Coming highlights include programmes devoted to the work of Robert Adamson and Alex Skovron, on September 20 and October 25, respectively.

Welcome and Thanks

Special thanks to the record number of new subscribers who joined us over winter, and to the many existing subscribers who have been faxing us the cover sheet telling us when they received the issue. This information is most useful as we go on monitoring the postal service and endeavouring to reach our subscribers as early in the month

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