September 2003, no. 254

Welcome to the September 2003 issue of Australian Book Review!
Full Contents
How the Light Gets In by M.J. Hyland & Tristessa And Lucido by Miriam Zolin
Cultural Studies
Farewell Cinderella: Creating Arts And Identity in Western Australia edited by Geoffrey Bolton, Richard Rossiter and Jan Ryan
by Wendy Were
Inequality in Australia by Alastair Greig, Fank Lewins, and Kevin White & Australia’s Welfare Wars by Philip Mendes
by Mark Peel
The Oxford Companion to the History of Modern Science edited by J.L. Heilbron
Asian Studies
Power Politics and the Indonesian Military by Damien Kingsbury & Politics and the Press in Indonesia by Angela Romano
Party Games: Australian politicians and the media from war to dismissal by Bridget Griffen-Foley
by Mick O'Regan
James Stirling: Admiral and Founding Governor of Western Australia by Pamela Statham-Drew
Australian Liberals and the Moral Middle Class: From Alfred Deakin to John Howard by Judith Brett
Military History
Desert Sands, Jungle Lands: A biography of Major General Ken Eather by Steve Eather
Art and Australia by Margaret Preston: Selected writings 1920–1950 edited by Elizabeth Butel
Australian History
Currency Companion to Music and Dance in Australia edited by John Whiteoak and Aline Scott-Maxwell
by John Rickard
Asian Studies
A Short History of China and Southeast Asia: Tribute, trade and influence by Martin Stuart-Fox
by David Reeve
Literary Studies