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Out There

June–July 2003, no. 252

Text Thing by Pam Brown

Little Esther, $23 pb, 136 pp

Book 2 Cover Small (400 x 600)

Dear Deliria: New and selected poems by Pam Brown

Salt, $21.95 pb, 159 pp

Out There

June–July 2003, no. 252

It is a Pam Brown moment when, flicking through her Dear Deliria, I read of ‘historic butter sculptures’ and hear at the same time David Bowie on the stereo singing ‘yak-butter statues’. It’s a Pam Brown moment because her poetry is one of incidents and coincidence. In its interest in both the quotidian and in critique, Brown’s poetry illustrates the endless interplay between texts and contexts, between art and life. These latter categories are most vivid in Brown’s poems when they are collapsing into each other – like drunk friends at a party.

From the New Issue

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