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Fine adjustments

December 2005–January 2006, no. 277

Avenues & Runways by Aidan Coleman

Brandl & Schlesinger, $22.95 pb, 66 pp

Book 2 Cover Small (400 x 600)

Throwing Stones at the Sun by Cameron Lowe

Whitmore Press, $16.50 pb, 31 pp

Narcissism by Maria Takolander

Whitmore Press, $16.50 pb, 31 pp

Fine adjustments

December 2005–January 2006, no. 277

Each of these three books is its author’s first, and each carries a cover endorsement by two distinguished poets. You can tell a lot about the books from looking at who endorses whom before you need even to read one of the poems.

The rear cover of Aidan Coleman’s Avenues & Runways (endorsements by Kevin Hart and Peter Goldsworthy) describes him as an imagist. Whatever the exact significance of that term, there is no doubt that this poetry belongs to the class that has slight outward show and rich implications. And the pleasure of reading them is the shuttling between the two. There are at least two important requirements here: the surface has to be elegant and engaging without being slovenly or cute (ah, if you only knew what treasures I conceal!); implications must be intense and never clichéd.

Avenues & Runways

Avenues & Runways

by Aidan Coleman

Brandl & Schlesinger, $22.95 pb, 66 pp

Throwing Stones at the Sun

Throwing Stones at the Sun

by Cameron Lowe

Whitmore Press, $16.50 pb, 31 pp



Maria Takolander

Whitmore Press, $16.50 pb, 31 pp

From the New Issue

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