Lucy Osburn, A Lady Displaced: Florence Nightingale's envoy to Australia by Judith Godden
by Beverley Kingston •
I Wouldn't Start From Here: A Misguided tour of the early 21st century by Andrew Mueller
by Dan Toner •
Alien Roots: A German Jewish girlhood: from belonging to exile by Anne Jacobs
by Carol Middleton •
The Howard Paradox: Australian diplomacy in Asia 1996–2006 by Michael Wesley
by Allan Gyngell •
Strangers in the South Seas: The idea of the Pacific in western thought edited by Richard Lansdown
by Kate Darian-Smith •
An earlier version of this history of Victoria first appeared in 1984 as Our Side of the Country. Though for the past sixteen years Sydney-born politicians Paul Keating and John Howard have usurped Victoria’s former almost constant ‘top position’ in Canberra, the possessive pride reflected in that early title still runs through this modern version ...
... (read more)The International Struggle Over Iraq: Politics in the UN security council 1980–2005 by David M. Malone
by Michael Fullilove •
Divas and Scholars: Performing Italian Opera by Philip Gossett
by Robert Gibson •