Non Fiction
Make it Australian: The Australian Performing Group, the Pram Factory and New Wave theatre by Gabrielle Wolf
by Martin Ball •
Stressing the Modern: Cultural politics in Australian women's poetry by Ann Vickery
by Jennifer Strauss •
The Failure of Poetry, The Promise of Language by Laura (Riding) Jackson, edited by John Nolan
by Chris Wallace-Crabbe •
Captain Charles, Engineer of Charity: The remarkable life of Charles Gordon O’Neill by Stephen Utick
by Beverley Kingston •
Seduced by Grace: Contemporary spirituality, gay experience and Christian faith by Michael Bernard Kelly
by John Rickard •
Births Deaths Marriages by Georgia Blain & The After Life by Kathleen Stewart
by Shirley Walker •
Changing Clothes in China: Fashion, History, Nation by Antonia Finnane
by Gloria Davies •