New and Selected Poems of Anna Wickham by Nathanael O’Reilly
by Susan Sheridan •
The Fremantle Press Anthology of Western Australian Poetry edited by John Kinsella and Tracy Ryan
by Geoff Page •
Contemporary Australian Poetry edited by Martin Langford et. al.
by John Hawke •
Before I knew about poetry it would have been the Grimms, plus Orson Welles reading ‘The Happy Prince’. Then R.A.K. Mason, Carl Sandburg, Robert Creeley – at which point I developed a taste for clunkiness, awkwardness, tonal non sequiturs, all the way from Wyatt, Hardy, and the weirder parts of Browning, to Frank O’Hara and Stevie Smith. My poetry tastes have always been pretty chaotic: in my reading universe, Lorine Niedecker, John Betjeman, Adrienne Rich, and the Beowulf poet all rub along together.
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