The Eagle in the Mirror by Jesse Fink & My Mother the Spy by Cindy Dobbin and Freda Marnie Nicholls
by Michael Sexton •
Operation Hurricane: The story of Britain’s first atomic test in Australia and the legacy that remains by Paul Grace
by Elizabeth Tynan •
Empire, Incorporated: The corporations that built British colonialism by Philip J. Stern
by Clinton Fernandes •
The Red Hotel: The untold story of Stalin’s disinformation war by Alan Philps
by Sheila Fitzpatrick •
Reaching Through Time: Finding my family's stories by Shauna Bostock
by Jacinta Walsh •
Empress of the Nile: The daredevil archaeologist who saved Egypt’s ancient temples from destruction by Lynne Olson
by Theodore Ell •
A Terribly Serious Adventure: Philosophy and war at Oxford 1900–1960 by Nikhil Krishnan
by Karen Green •