Life So Full Of Promise: Further biographies of Australia’s lost generation by Ross McMullin
by Raelene Frances •
On Every Tide: The making and remaking of the Irish world by Sean Connolly
by Gerard Windsor •
Lives of the Wives: Five literary marriages by Carmela Ciuraru
by Jacqueline Kent •
The Millionaires' Factory: The inside story of how Macquarie became a global giant by Joyce Moullakis and Chris Wright
by Michael Easson •
Science, Secrecy and the Smithsonian: The strange history of the Pacific Ocean biological survey by Ed Regis
by Billy Griffiths •
O'Leary of the Underworld: The untold story of the Forrest River Massacre by Kate Auty
by Ann Curthoys •
Taking to the Field: A history of Australian women in science by Jane Carey
by Jessica Urwin •
Drink Against Drunkenness: The life and times of Sasha Soldatow by Inez Baranay
by Susan Varga •
Political Lives: Australian prime ministers and their biographers by Chris Wallace
by James Walter •