Emperor of Rome: Ruling the ancient Roman world by Mary Beard
What the Trees See: A wander through millennia of natural history in Australia by Dave Witty
Making Empire: Ireland, imperialism, and the early modern world by Jane Ohlmeyer
Eurowhiteness: Culture, empire and race in the European project by Hans Kundnani
Well-informed debate on national security, never more important than now, depends on reliable accounts of historical episodes, ones not distorted by latter-day political or diplomatic sensitivities. For more than a century, Australians have benefited from a tradition of official histories of the nation’s involvement in conflicts and peacekeeping operations, for which governments of all persuasions have given independent historians access to all relevant official records, publishing their works without political or diplomatic censorship.
... (read more)Courting: An intimate history of love and the law by Alecia Simmonds
Paul and Paula: A history of separation, survival and belonging by Tim McNamara
It was mid-afternoon when I turned a typewritten foolscap page from 1939 and found the name I had been searching for: Detective Sergeant Mischenko. The report was a pretty banal cry for resourcing. Poor Mischenko was doing the work of two detectives in Japanese-occupied Shanghai and desperately needed some assistance. On turning the page, I felt like Archimedes himself (though running through the US National Archives yelling ‘Eureka!’ might have been a touch dramatic). My journey to the suburbs in the middle of a clammy Washington DC summer had held no guarantees of finding this.
... (read more)