Men at War: Australia, Syria, Java 1940–1942 by James Mitchell
Imperial Island: A history of empire in modern Britain by Charlotte Lydia Riley
Revolutionary Spring: Fighting for a new world, 1848–1849 by Christopher Clark
The defeat of the proposal in the recent Aboriginal constitutional referendum was unsurprising given the forces at work, which I discussed in ‘A Referendum in Trouble’ (ABR, July 2023). Most importantly, it lacked the support of the Liberal and National parties once their leaders decided to oppose it, largely for partisan purposes.
... (read more)The Dictionary People: The unsung heroes who created the Oxford English Dictionary by Sarah Ogilvie
Seven Crashes: The economic crises that shaped globalisation by Harold James
'A Bloody Difficult Subject': Ruth Ross, te Tiriti o Waitangi and the making of history by Bain Attwood
My Grandfather's Clock: Four centuries of a British-Australian family by Graeme Davison
This week, on the ABR podcast, we feature a special conversation between author and journalist David Marr, historian Mark McKenna and ABR’s Georgina Arnott, recorded in the middle of September 2023, one month out from the Voice referendum. The subject was David Marr’s new book, Killing for Country: A family story, which takes the reader to early nineteenth-century New South Wales and follows the bloodshed of invasion as it tracks north. Mark McKenna’s review of Killing for Country is published in the October issue of ABR.
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