Indigenous Studies
Title Fight: How the Yindjibarndi battled and defeated a mining giant by Paul Cleary
by Stephen Bennetts •
True Tracks: Respecting Indigenous knowledge and culture by Terri Janke
by Laura Rademaker •
Tongerlongeter: First Nations leader and Tasmanian war hero by Henry Reynolds and Nicholas Clements
by Libby Connors •
Farmers or Hunter-gatherers?: The Dark Emu debate by Peter Sutton and Keryn Walshe
by Stephen Bennetts •
Everything You Need to Know About the Uluru Statement from the Heart by Megan Davis and George Williams
by Kevin Bell •
In early 2021, the Victorian government announced the creation of the Yoo-rrook Justice Commission to investigate the harms done to Aboriginal people through colonisation. Named after the word for truth in the Wemba Wemba/Wamba Wamba langauge, Yoo-rrook will be the first exercise of its kind in an Australian jurisdiction and one of the most significant responses yet offered to the call for Voice, Treaty and Truth issued by the Aboriginal peoples of Australia in the ‘Uluru Statement from the Heart’.
... (read more)Black, White and Exempt: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander lives under exemption edited by Lucinda Aberdeen and Jennifer Jones
by Marilyn Lake •
The Children’s Country: Creation of a Goolarabooloo future in north-west Australia by Stephen Muecke
by Philip Morrissey •
Empire and the Making of Native Title: Sovereignty, property and Indigenous people by Bain Attwood
by Lisa Ford •
Truth-telling: History, sovereignty and the Uluru Statement by Henry Reynolds
by Sarah Maddison •