Indigenous Studies
art + soul: A journey into the world of Aboriginal art by Hetti Perkins
by Ian McLean •
Indigenous Victorians: The La Trobe Journal, no. 85 edited by Lynette Russell and John Arnold
by Maria Nugent •
The Politics of Suffering: Indigenous Australia and the end of the liberal consensus by Peter Sutton
by David Trigger •
Coercive Reconciliation: Stabilise, normalise, exit Aboriginal Australia edited by Jon Altman and Melinda Hinkson
by Bob Reece •
Divided Nation: Indigenous Affairs and the Imagined Public by Murray Goot and Tim Rowse
by Anthony Moran •
Bad Dreaming: Aboriginal men's violence against women and children by Louis Nowra
by John Hirst •
I am at the exhibition ‘National Treasures from Australia’s Great Libraries’. I have come to see a picture of a man named Bungaree. I am standing in front of him, but I am distanced. The painting is glazed, low-lit, hung on a wall on the far side of quite a deep display case. If I stand up straight he is in focus, but too far away for me to see the details. As ...
Eye Contact: Photographing Indigenous Australians by Jane Lydon
by Helen Ennis •